Dot.: yo
Dot.: you asked for me?
pasties |w0rd|: we are removing you from the servers and our website
Dot.: k
Dot.: may i ask what for?
pasties |w0rd|: for recruiting to your servers
Dot.: hm
Dot.: ok
pasties |w0rd|: I dont think its very nice of you, but w.e, coming on to our website and sending msgs like that...tis very disrespectful
Dot.: the players that i shared our ip with were the ones that were looking for the zombie server, i simply pointed them in the direction that all the others took when n/u decided to fuck over all the zm players
Dot.: i never had any hard feelings towards n/u even after my departure
Dot.: but if you guys feel shutting me out is the way to go, then by all means
pasties |w0rd|: dood. you come onto our website, and steal our regsÉ
Dot.: i trust the decisions of the owners as i was once one
pasties |w0rd|: thats what you did, call it what you want
pasties |w0rd|: just you. For what you did
pasties |w0rd|: no one else.
Dot.: so you are banning me because all of the zombie mod players who had no zombie mod server to play on at n/u are now playing on my server, and asked to join my clan?
pasties |w0rd|: no
pasties |w0rd|: Are you seriosÉ
pasties |w0rd|: man you need to get reality check
Dot.: lol?
Dot.: ok
pasties |w0rd|: for you being a leech
pasties |w0rd|: yo uwant to recruit anyone from here you go ahead
pasties |w0rd|: but you are not going to be doing it in our servers or our website, thats the reason
Dot.: i was recruiting in your servers?
pasties |w0rd|: our website.
Dot.: i sent like 2 pms to ppl asking were the zombie server went
pasties |w0rd|: I am not going to let you do it anymore.
Dot.: and told them that everyone that played on that server now played over here
pasties |w0rd|: and that was right?
Dot.: those people would have found the server either way
pasties |w0rd|: Thats a good neighbourly thing to do?
Dot.: they are zombie regs meaning they would not have stayed with n/u anyway
Dot.: i dont mean to argue tho
pasties |w0rd|: so dont act all innocent, I thought i would let you know. instead of just finding out you were banned. and yo wondering why.
Dot.: no problems
Dot.: pz