lol wooooowwwww okay go for it leave soviet. btw i havetn said ANYTHING about you spawn killing i said it once and the other times it wasnt me and you even admitted it and said sorry so dont pull this shit and put all the fucking blame on me. This was a fucking useless post just to make everyone dislike me, for lies that you are saying. And like i said you were calling me names thats why i got pissed so why dont you put up the whole story before making it seem like im the bad person. You were the one who was calling me retarded and had downsydrome, do you honestly think thats its okay for you to say that and i wont get pissed?
And i didnt rage wuit because of a lvl i couldnt beat i rage quit because you wouldnt shut up. Way to go and pick on one specific player. And for the record i dont yell on the mic which is another bull shit lie of yours.